What Are The Gifts Of Pluto?

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Thinking about the insights to be had with Pluto going direct. Forgetting for a moment about the symbolism of Capricorn. We’ll get back to that. Instead, thinking about Pluto purely, if such a thing is possible (it is). And bringing to the table (literally) the great book by Isabel Hickey and her keyword list for Pluto.

Some of Pluto’s Positive Expressions (p. 292) include: 

And there’s more of course and everyone needs this book, especially astrology lovers who are ingesting a steady diet of “today’s” astrology. We all need a little Isabel.

What are the gifts of Pluto, God of the Underworld? Over a decade ago you started a Pluto transit in Capricorn and that part of your chart/life/soul needed a cosmic/karmic renovation. AND IT HAPPENED. It happened, my friends. It happened. There’s nothing more you need to DO. Now you get to LIVE IT.

What remains then in that part of your chart as Pluto takes his leave? Integration, grace, willingness, heaven, light, illumination, wisdom.

Fifth House for me. What about you?

To be continued xo