Last night I was talking to a friend (name redacted to protect the possibly innocent) and she told me a story.
Some background:
she’s searching for the PERFECT JOB. The perfect job for her. She’s the breadwinner of the family. The burden’s on her. Her field is a money making field BUT… she has not been happy in it for years and has bounced around a bit (still in her field) trying to find this PERFECT JOB, including job counselors and healers and shamans to help “solve” this “problem.”
She’s on a quest.
It’s not just a job she’s after and not just a perfect job.
If you are on a quest, let me give you a little advice:
BE VERY CAREFUL WHO YOU TALK TO YOU about your dreams, plans, any of it!
Why? Because they gonna pop your bubble. Your well meaning friends and family who have some REALITY for you and are looking after your own good with their warnings and practical advices.
If you decide to share, take it all with a grain of salt because you may suffer what my poor friend did:
her balloon got popped!!!
She was SO excited, feeling her groove, her mojo, NEW PATH and the signs were coming fast and furious YES YES YES and then… just like that… the “friends” started showing up with their naysaying and by the time she spoke to me she wanted an energy read on the situation because of her deflated balloon of excitement. Gone.
Moral of story astrologically? Jupiter goes retrograde this week. You may encounter more of these balloon popping folks although actually many of us are surrounded by these “well meaning” types ALL THE TIME.
Now I’m NOT saying to live in la-la land but there is a time and place for Neptune and there is a time and place for Saturn AND for Jupiter too. It’s okay to reach for the stars. It’s okay to be unrealistic.
Who can you trust? Find out. Have friends (maybe) that you tell your precious fledgling ideas to. It’s not gonna be everyone. Tell your astrologer/tarot reader (such as myself, yes!) who will hold your dream in her hands without crushing it.
So. Jupiter retrograde. People are not gonna be so rah rah rah but this may be true for Jupiter in Scorpio overall to be honest. It’s just a more… SKEPTICAL Jupiter.
And skepticism is the LAST thing we need when we are ON A QUEST!!!
THE ART IN THE FEATURED IMAGE IS BY E. DROLL. The featured image is the one on my home page.