Life Update + Aries Solar Eclipse Next Week

We’ve had two weeks off from school and I haven’t liked it one bit. Too many ruptures. Too many truths. It’s eclipse season, after all. We start to put the pieces together. We start to see what might fall. AND ALLERGY SEASON. Was it Friday that I was literally sneezing all day long? Last night my nose was a little bloody. And I hate the allergy meds, but I took some and it helped eventually.

But there were ruptures and truths about school even before spring break, and it’s left me wondering if I’ll continue my education elsewhere or stick around or run for the hills entirely. I’m gonna go to some open houses. We’ll see. Now, I did write two of my three papers for school already, but I’ve been lazy about my reading. It’s not like me to be lazy about my reading, but after that nearly 90 page Harold Searles paper (and I do love Searles), I just felt done. We all have our limits and last night I talked to my shaman friend and he gave me some good, down to earth spiritual advice. It helped. So if you hear me talking about frankincense and Owl Medicine that’s why.

We have an eclipse this week and then another one in early May and… something happened. Something clicked. Something switched. A light went on or off or I don’t know. Something about a light. Can you relate? I suddenly felt I was in the wrong place and it was time to move on and maybe I will. We’ll see what shakes loose with the Mercury retrograde and eclipse season and I promise you there is a story here that I haven’t told yet (about being burned at the stake, among other things) and I will tell it eventually. Yes, the story will be told.

In other news? There is no other news. Things are up in the air and the eclipse next week will add fuel to the fire. What are you contemplating these days? Do you know which way to go? If you wanna talk about it, you know how to find me.

To be continued…