Scorpio Season Feelings Preview: Every Journey is a Shamanic Journey

That feeling of things falling apart and coming together and falling apart and coming together in new ways.

It could be a Full Moon in Aries thing, sure. Today’s Full Moon in Aries squared both Mars and Pluto. This can cause that falling apart/coming together feeling. It could be eclipse residue. It could be… any number of transits. Break down to break through.

All I know is that I don’t feel my age. All I know is that I said to my analyst last night:

I want to live, both of us knowing the significance of those words — from MY MOUTH. I’ve never not wanted to die, for as long as I can remember. For as long as I’ve had eyes. And there I was with that shifting and turning in the wake of yet another difficult moment at the institute. Why is it always like that? Someone shits all over you and then you descend to the depths and then like the phoenix you rise from the ashes. A dismemberment followed by an initiation and maybe that is why it happens. (I was born on a Chiron station.) Every journey is a shamanic journey.

And it’s not even Scorpio Season YET. 

If there’s one thing I know (and I know a few things…) it’s that this year’s season of the witch, Scorpio Season, will be more potent than ever. But instead of costumes and masks, more and more will be revealed. We’ll be wearing our true faces for maybe the first time. You ready?

To be continued xo