Uranus Gone Direct: We are not Machines. Yet.

So I guess I will keep blogging.
I should keep blogging.
Maintaining a blog is the old world.

Today I was thinking about Facebook.

I was thinking about the older social media platforms used to be ways of connection for me. I found friends and clients. Now it’s all… dismembered. I’ve had a teeny tiny Facebook for years but more and more people are leaving. I also now have, easily, five Facebook friends who have died! The algorithm on my Twitter and Insta is so good that I don’t see anything except for what I see every day (same people, nothing new, same tragic news) which means… I have no use for these platforms anymore unless I want the same tragic news.

I’m not gonna leave them, at least not yet but… I see their pointlessness. I’m actively trying to grow my YouTube but it sure doesn’t feel like a community. Welcome to Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto in Capricorn was far more, well, personal. 

It makes me all the more grateful that I’ve maintained this blog for so long and grateful too of course for my little Patreon.

And then of course I remember that Uranus will enter Gemini this year and that combined with Pluto in Aquarius goes something like this:

I was walking down the street today, my morning walk, and I made a joke to myself how all the storefronts could be AI generated and I wouldn’t even know.

But it wasn’t a joke. It’s around the corner really. In fact, on the internet, it’s already here.

One thing you should know about me and my work, my writing, the readings I do: there will never be any AI. Maybe I’ll be the last one standing. Certainly part of a dying generation, a dying breed. But I was walking down the street making this joke and thinking: okay Aliza get off your phone. Less phone. Less scrolling. It was really only since October 7th that I got so glued to my phone, my Twitter, day in, day out. So consider this your space, or one of your spaces, for humanity, for creativity, for reality, weird grammar and all.

So Uranus went Direct and I felt so intensely that it will get easier and easier for people to stop living and by that I mean to stop being creative beings and instead to… press a button and let a machine do their thinking and creating for them. It’s terrifying if you ask me. I notice it on the subway too. I see people who look like… social media posts. It’s all so put-together but in this creepy AI kinda way. “Too” put together. It’s *not* their own unique creativity anymore.

Gen X’ers, remember when we were kids and into music and we had Rolling Stone and Creem? And then MTV? And then maybe just maybe we saw some singer who we wanted to emulate? We felt less alone then.

In the social media age, loneliness no longer exists and yet we are lonelier than ever. Put down the phone. Go look at the sky. And don’t make a video about looking at the sky.

I want to encourage you to do as many human things as you can. Talk to people. Talk to yourself. Read a book. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Unload the dishwasher in silence. Uranus in Gemini is noise. These last months of Uranus in Taurus (and yes it will retrograde) might be the last simple days we will ever have and it’s not even simple these days! Do I sound too doomsday? Maybe so. But I feel it. Hold on to what is human: touch, the senses, creativity, magic. We are not machines.

After I finish this blog post I’m gonna go make dinner and maybe listen to music while I do that or maybe not and then I have clients this evening and school tomorrow and even though I have a like/hate relationship with school it’s still people and books and something resembling thinking 😉

Alright. That’s all for now. I’ll be back soon.
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