Helpful/Helpless: Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo

It’s been an intense few weeks. It feels like a thousand lifetimes and at the same time it feels like things are finally settling down.

What was that shamanic initiation that had to happen and why?

An intense whirlwind, about a month in duration, a process of dismemberment and integration. Maybe. I’m still trying to find the words.

Can you relate?

Tonight in class our instructor spoke of the time she worked with a horribly depressed patient and how hard it was to sit with the feelings this patient stirred up in her, the countertransference nearly unbearable. Had the patient felt her revulsion?  In class, I shared what I knew (well, some of what I knew) about depression. I’ve never not known it. I like to be helpful. Virgo Moon is helpful. 

This week’s Full Moon eclipse in helpful Virgo might make you feel helpless at times or maybe that’s already how you’re feeling. That Neil Young song comes to mind:

Blue, blue windows behind the stars
Yellow moon on the rise
Big birds flying across the sky…

What are you afraid to feel? What’s hard for you to feel even when it comes from someone else?

I was walking home tonight from the train and the nearly full moon lit up the sky like a golden coin. It was so pretty. And I thought about how everything went haywire a month ago and how it took all these weeks to work it through. I feel different now.

Do you? How are you feeling?

I’m getting an image of an egg breaking open. Maybe it’s you breaking open, being born again. Full Moons are always a journey. Listen, from one Moon Pluto person to another: if you can’t transform it, let it go. Turn straw into gold, shit into sunshine. You can do it. I believe in you, I believe in you, I believe in you.

Alright friends, keep passing the open windows