In my current class, I’m starting to talk about Getting Unstuck (which is the name of a series of Pema Chodron talks so I started listening again) and asked them to draw cards for themselves:
Are they stuck? Actually stuck?
The cards will say yes or no and HOW (the how is embedded in the suit so you have to know your Tarot suits and elements) and then of course I drew a card of advice.
I wasn’t sure what would arise but I’m not surprised. I am definitely stuck and I think it will take me a few days to process just those two cards but I know I KNOW I am on the right track. An exercise like this can take you not only into the essence of “what you need to know now” but also into the essence of certain cards. I now NEED TO KNOW what those cards mean so I can know what my life means.
This getting unstuck discussion is related to the Nodes and the coming Eclipses – those areas of our lives which require our attention over the next 18 months or so.
It’s funny. Or not. What we want to focus on isn’t always what the chart and life requires. It’s not always good food, vacation, and romance! And maybe it’s that rarely or never or some of the time!
But what I notice is this – about transits – how they unfold. Especially these longish ones like where the Nodes are by transit and the Nodes don’t feel as scary as Pluto or Saturn so we can exhale around them – not seize up. Although I have written about my Pluto Sun opposition transit all along, it comes with fear. Not as much with the Nodes. There’s more wonder or fascination or hmm. But definitely a sign that says FOCUS HERE my dear.
So that’s my homework for you. Draw two cards AND ponder this:
What do you understand, about your life now, from where the Nodes are now, in your chart?
They may be “problems” that have required your attention for years, decades, but you weren’t able to face them, clear them, SEE them, until now.
This week we have Mars entering Leo, the Sun entering Leo, and then the New Moon in Leo this weekend.
Card One: Am I stuck (how am I stuck)
Card Two: Advice for getting unstuck
And report back what you discover.
You can register **now** for the Tarot course that I am teaching on-line at SAW (the Sequential Artists Workshop). If you have questions, just send me a message! Still some information to add to this page but many details are up! I think it’s gonna be really wonderful. Moonpluto@gmail.
You can also message me for information about readings, bundles, 1:1 teaching and mentoring, Witch-Coaching, weekly Tarot subscriptions and… more!
9 thoughts on “Advice For The New Moon In Leo, New Tarot Class, & Getting Unstuck”
Love this tarot idea- got the emperor/page of wands. Interesting to me the correlation between Mars/emps, because I currently have Saturn on my Mars. Feels like I am stuck in rigidity, seriousness, like my brain is in work mode, doing mode. Mental burnout. Page of wands is looking off in the other direction. Possibility. Look at possibility to get unstuck. There’s a big blue sky behind him- clear your mind. Thank you Aliza!
Thank you too, c
Using my Thoth deck:
Card 1: Prince of Swords
Card 2: The Lovers
Immediate message I’m getting: Be a lover, not a fighter. Mental and intellectual aggression against self and others – over compensating for the consequences of porous boundaries. Autonomy and integrity of various warring parts of myself (head and heart, masculine and feminine, light and shadow). The second card includes but is not limited to an actual partner – which will emerge in consonance with (rather than be the cause of) this internal process of integration and wholeness
Nice! Anjeline awesome cards xoxo
Seven of swords, then 2 of cups?
I went damn! Asked for extra clarification, king of cups, double damn! Went back to the seven of swords and said, fine I get it.
Well going to mull over it. LOL get unstuck 😉 but I’m not really stuck, just stubborn.
Funny you should mention this. I feel a bit stuck too but I’m hoping everything moving into Leo will help. North node is in my 5th house and once everything enters Leo, I’ll have a 5th house stellium but at the moment I can’t see how exactly will that play out because I don’t feel like 5th house matters at all. I actually met a guy I like having fun with but at the moment I don’t feel like spending time with him – I’m a bit scared of what he offers, it’s a bit intense. In a good way, but still quite intense for an airy person.
Thank you Ines xoxo
Thank you for this. What I understand about my life now that I hadn’t fully grasped before until the nodes/eclipse season is my relationship to powerlessness. How deep I really fear power. Nn in 1st, Sn in 7th.
Am I stuck: I got Judgement. In the Starchild Tarot, this is named Awakening.
Advice: 7/wands.
I think I was stuck. For a really long time. And am waking up now. A wake up that I can’t escape, gloss over, or distract myself from.
Overall, it feels good. Last week it felt shitty. So it’s not all Leo sunshine but I’m working it out.
Thank you ak xoxo