And Then Mars Enters Gemini…

“A little older, a little more confused.”
-Dennis Hopper in The American Friend


The best thing I ever did was stop writing at the school library. I have a book to write, a deadline to meet. Grateful for that. And, early on, I thought okay I would make the rounds, various rounds: neighborhood cafe, co-work, library, subway. Subway is my favorite.

Listening to the president read words he didn’t write and this summer has been eye opening so far. Lessons I didn’t want, but lessons nonetheless and things are, well, feeling better. Safer. Kinder. A little older, a little less confused? It varies, I guess.

School. Although I do have some friendly connections there, I can’t remember the last time I was in an environment that was so consistently, well, hostile. But freedom comes when you stop asking why and start moving on and it takes as long as it takes. On the other hand: I reread a paper I wrote last semester and found it lovely. I remember it was the last of three and I was tired and didn’t care. Just get it done. But it was inspired. How is it that I can make a garden grow when I feel so desperately awful? Why is pain so lucrative for writing? Huh. Nothing like studying psychoanalysis to arch the back of the soul.

In other news: THE SKY. 

Mars Uranus is a break. Break down or break through.
Sun Chiron is hurting and healing. It gets better as the week progresses.
Mars Neptune is divine intervention. The muse.

And then Mars will enter Gemini on the weekend and two years ago Mars went retrograde in Gemini so think back. That was the beginning of the story and for two long hard grueling years you’ve been… suffering, Ten-of-Wands-ing, lost, and angry.

And now? Things have changed. Now JUPITER is in Gemini for a year and Mars will enter shortly and they will dance and, NO, Saturn in Pisces making that hard angle is not going to destroy your 2024 Mars in Gemini experience although it may slow you down.

Sometimes we have to slow down, stop, think about WHAT WE’RE DOING. What are you doing?

Keep passing the open windows, dear star lovers