Big Whoop: Jupiter Goes Retrograde October 9th

*this blog post was written super fast. Apologies for extra bad grammar*

The other day I was listening to an astrologer on YouTube practically begging for people to listen to real astrologers (“like me” she said), and I thought this was interesting because when I started there were very few astrologers on YouTube. I never got a foothold there, never committed to it, the tech was different then, damn the world was different then, and I’m a writer, not a video maker and Instagram didn’t exist and TikTok didn’t exist, and I made my way through blogging, through writing, and word of mouth mostly and a little Facebook and Twitter.

I always felt bad that I hadn’t ridden the YouTube wave but now… things have changed. Now the market is oversaturated (to say the least) and what it’s come to is popular or formerly popular astrologers on the big channels needing to beg. “Don’t listen to THEM. Listen to ME. Listen to US. We’re the REAL ASTROLOGERS.”

I always kept doing my thing, although blogging much less in recent years. I had longevity. Never became a fad or “astrology famous.” My Scorpio friend called me a cult figure some years ago but I don’t even think that applies anymore.

This is on my mind because my astrology career really got going the last time Jupiter was in Gemini (my 10th House) and here it is again in Gemini and will go retrograde in early October. 

But I bring you these personal details about my own life because I want to stir you into thinking  about your own life and Jupiter in Gemini. Think back to June 2012 to June 2013.

I’ve often complained to my Gemini friend Laura that Saturn in Pisces making that hot square to Jupiter in Gemini is harshing our Gemini buzz and she agrees. We have “I hate Saturn” parties but I’ve got a Virgo Moon (conjunct Pluto) and Virgo Rising and Virgo South Node and I’ll never be satisfied unless I look for a fix so let’s pull a few cards and see if anything interesting shows up:

It’s just slower (is what I hear). Slower. A winding road. Waaaaay slower. I’m using a Marseilles deck and drew the Three of Swords. In the Rider system, this is a sorrowful vibe. Ah I see. It really is “end of cycle” so there is sadness here as we… feel confused and try to make sense and have no clue what’s going on in a big (Jupiter) way. The Three of Swords does speak to some kind of separation but we can read it as freedom as well.

In my new book I talk about the liberatory qualities of the Three of Swords and I tell a story about an old friend who got a tattoo of this card some years ago and I asked her why. You’ll have to get the book (when it comes out) to hear the rest of the story but that can’t be all it is. Jupiter in Gemini with the square from Pisces can’t be ****only**** about endings and separations, can it? Ah drew the Wheel of Fortune. That’s far more Jupiterian but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t follow the same train of thought.

Life, and Jupiter, is gonna take you where it wants to take you and that includes endings and wild rides.

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini with Saturn in Pisces also retrograde is a serious serious serious serious serious LIFE REVIEW. This review shall take place in your Gemini House and in your Pisces House. There is a sorrow in your life at this time and I’m sorry for that. We’re all feeling it. Jupiter square Saturn is sorrow. We’re not getting what we wanted, what we were promised, what we hoped for. So what’s the bright side? What’s the Jupiter rainbow here?

You can still build, but build slowly. Build with sorrow.  Pull the pins out slowly. Don’t blow anything up. My analyst once said to me: you can grieve AND train. Jupiter square Saturn makes me think of that. I thought I had to be “healed” or “better” to start my psychoanalytic training but it doesn’t work like that at all and life doesn’t work like that. It’s not that familiar phrase “the only way out is through.” It’s the opposite actually. This isn’t about getting to the other side or “moving on” or “healing.” This is about staying. My grief has only INCREASED since I started analytic training but we’ll get back to that story later (maybe on the Substack). My point right now is… drumroll please…

Ace of Wands.

There is a fire here. Really. And it’s so bright. As bright as anything you’ve ever known. Will you notice it? Will you see it? Aces are beginnings. New fire new fire new fire. Inspiration. Activation. Initiation. Creative power!

Ace of Wands:
Don’t get lost in the past. Look ahead, dear friend. LOOK TO THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!

To be continued xo