Dreams of Dismemberment: Becoming Sedna

Let us not forget about Sedna, currently at zero Gemini. Is she like the Fool card from the Tarot, eternally zero? Slow mover Sedna. Yesterday I was writing on the Substack that my time at the institute has been like a dream of dismemberment and how dreams of dismemberment aren’t unusual for Shamanic initiates. Sedna too is a dismemberment story.

How to interpret Sedna? I would recommend you begin with the myth. I wrote a paper about her for school in my second semester. From my 2023 paper:

Sedna is a story of the making of a goddess, a sea (and underworld) goddess, and although the Sedna myth has a core story, core elements (father and daughter, marriage, a boat, hair, dismemberment, exile, transformation), I noticed that some details would shift from rendition to rendition.

The version of the myth I am addressing in this paper is the first one I heard, years ago, which tells the tale of a father seeking to marry off his daughter (Sedna). She refuses all potential suitors and in one version even marries a dog. Sedna’s father, furious at her rebelliousness, takes her out on his boat, onto the sea, and pushes her overboard.

Sedna struggles to hold on to the side of the boat, and he chops off her fingers. She falls to the bottom of the ocean. “Her fingers become the first seals and she becomes a mighty sea goddess” (“Sedna,” 2023). The myth goes that Inuit hunters evermore must placate Sedna so that she will free the walruses and seals and whales that have made their home in her hair.

Free associating: Am I wasting my time? Surely I am wasting my time at that school. Every semester a new castration, a new dismemberment. I wonder sometimes if there’s anything unbroken left of me. And yet I wrote a book this summer, and it will be published in the fall. But that’s Moon Pluto for you. We spin shit into gold. (Sorry haters! May karma be your constant companion.)

Listen. I don’t believe that where Sedna is transiting your chart is where you will be dismembered. Sedna is where you are, or will be, a GODDESS.

Think about that, my friends. I bet you didn’t see that coming. That you had Goddess-ness in your future. Well, you do.

Also from my paper:

And I wrote in my notes: so then we too are the ocean. We are the depths and we are the dead, aching to be reborn through archetypal transformation. I thought about how sometimes we must let something go (a way of living, a way of perceiving, a way of creating, as symbolized by Sedna’s fingers) and put ourselves into exile to find a better, more meaningful life.

“And by a like miracle, so will each whose work is the difficult, dangerous task of self-discovery and self-development be portered across the ocean of life” (Campbell, p.23).

To my mind, we have no other choice, and we do ourselves a disservice if we don’t see our lives as myths and ourselves as heroes within those myths. How do we live? Recently I asked my analyst, “Where will this journey take me?” He pointed out that I was already there.

To be continued