Full Moon in Capricorn: Emotional Problems

You can’t solve emotional problems without addressing your emotions. And, spoiler alert, many “problems” are “emotional problems.” People don’t realize this though.

What I mean is that… buying more books isn’t going to fix your cousin who is wasting away in a nursing home. Buying more books isn’t going to bring back your dead parents or turn back time. The emotions have to be addressed, not wiped away or smoothed over, ironed out. They have to be felt, experienced. Mourning is, usually, required. There is always a dead thing to mourn and by that I mean any creation of yours that… just didn’t make it, for whatever reason.

I said to my analyst today (among other things) that I was so glad I had him to go through this with and I guess the “this” in this sentence could mean any number of things. “This” moment in my life. “This” moment in history. All I know is that there was a THIS. And the feeling of feeling attached to him, after two years of hard work, was feeling less terrifying.

Emotional change, my friends, is possible, but I know of no quick miracle cures, not a one.

I wanted to talk about the weekend though because I think this Full Moon is special.

Let me lay some of it out for you. Mars will enter Gemini. Two years ago Mars went retrograde in Gemini. That was the beginning of a story in your life. It’s reaching some sort of culmination or peace or resolution starting tomorrow.

And then on Sunday we have a slew, a stew, of aspects including that Capricorn Full Moon at 29. We also have Venus Jupiter (high as a kite) and Mercury Uranus (now what?) and Mars Pluto (raw power).

Everything is as it should be although I know I can’t say this for all the world but if you’re reading this in relative comfort then perhaps it is the case. Air conditioning if it’s hot. If you’re not a prisoner. If you can think. If you’re not having a breakdown. There are many conditions that might fulfill “relative comfort.”

This Full Moon makes a swinging aspect to Uranus (expect the unexpected) and gets along with fuzzy-headed Neptune and I’m sure some astrologers are giving this FM an out of sign conjunction to Pluto (retrograde) in Aquarius for extra emotional intensity. Your work is making you emotional. Emotions are making you work.

Capricorn Moon Homework:

What, in your opinion, is the problem, and how are you trying to solve it? Or not solve it? People do some outrageous things to avoid what they don’t want to feel, what they don’t want to know. You can imagine. You’ve probably done a few yourself. We all have.

But what the Capricorn Full Moon wants is some… not self-attack but… a little open-eyed honesty. Sure, the Uranus flavor might be a little surprising and the Pluto part has a kick, but the Neptune is a spoonful of sugar so maybe… the realizations will be the easy variety. We can only hope.

Talk to you soon. Keep passing the open windows.