Full Moon in Scorpio This Week: Advice For The Dying (Pro Tip)

My cards this morning were crazy. I drew them for the Full Moon in Scorpio.

One was just “oh hey what’s this Full Moon about for me”

and I suppose I intuited that I would need an ADVICE card

and Death card was my advice. Hi Tarot!

So this post is for the dying

(unlike those other astrology blogs/bloggers you read, I am under Pluto opposing Sun – for years now – and this year is the LAST PASS THE LAST so I write to you from that place of pulverization)

So this post is for the dying and I do NOT mean if you are suffering physically at this moment with an acute condition. That’s something else entirely. What I mean here is ALL OF US because all of us are on our way out (everybody dies) but in particular those who psychologically are just, well, not feeling their best and there is this vague hope that a Full Moon in Scorpio with its reputation for exposing the truth will somehow help. Bloodletting. Get the rot out.

So here’s my advice and you know I hate that phrase PRO TIP which is why I am using it. Because it’s so obnoxious. I hope you hate it too!

try not to fight the truth of how you feel. Sophie was saying this as well in her comment on my post yesterday

try not to fight how you feel

and, lastly:

try not to
how you feel

WHILE maintaining the basic skeleton of your life i.e. please keep eating and drinking water but try not to worry about the DUST ON THE BLINDS or the remnant of that incense doesn’t smell so fresh. Sit in it. Where you are. Sit in it. Be still.


when you get the Death card as ADVICE you don’t just sit in it. You are on the move, going through something. It’s inevitable, it’s fate, it’s happening. ELIMINATION. Scraping. That’s what it is. A scraping.

Have a funeral for yourself PRO TIP
Don’t pretend to be happy PRO TIP
Don’t smile if you don’t want to PRO TIP
Obsessively read about your transits PRO TIP
Obsessively draw cards for what hurts PRO TIP
Don’t hurt yourself but beyond that whatever you need PRO TIP

You may actually enjoy this Full Moon. Mercury and Uranus meet this day with Mercury mostly normal, direct motion, so the mind promises to be LIVELY.

Usually when I read for people I read from my Sacral Chakra but the other day it was blocked so I worked through my Crown and it was fascinating because I saw descending and ascending stars like in the story of Jacob’s ladder but stars instead of angels. Mercury Uranus is something like that.

Much love

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