What is the FIRST HOUSE of the astrology wheel about?
Conversation in the current class as I listed where each of us will have the new moon eclipse (Pisces 8 degrees)
and a few are having it in the First House and a gal was listing meanings and mentioned not being happy with them and then I started riffing trying to find THE WORD for me, for First House.
My Virgo Moon wants to be precise. And then I found it.
First House: more than ego or identity or ME ME ME.
The First House, planets or energy in the First gives you PRESENCE.
Then I said:
It’s this very grounded presence in THIS WORLD
HERE I AM, say First House planets.
Do you have planets in the First House?
2 thoughts on “Hey A Little About The First House And If You Are Having The New Moon Eclipse There”
Yup. Sun, Merc and Mars. in Cap. Will you be doing a 3rd house post? That’s my Pisces house. (With Chiron conjunct the upcoming lunar eclipse. :P)
Hi Colleen you can find third house posts all over the internet As for site, who knows…. 🙂