Hey A Little About The First House And If You Are Having The New Moon Eclipse There

moon conjunct pluto

What is the FIRST HOUSE of the astrology wheel about?

Conversation in the current class as I listed where each of us will have the new moon eclipse (Pisces 8 degrees)

and a few are having it in the First House and a gal was listing meanings and mentioned not being happy with them and then I started riffing trying to find THE WORD for me, for First House.

My Virgo Moon wants to be precise. And then I found it.

First House: more than ego or identity or ME ME ME.

The First House, planets or energy in the First gives you PRESENCE.

Then I said:

I have two planets there (my Moon Pluto conjunction)
It’s this very grounded presence in THIS WORLD
HERE I AM, say First House planets.

Do you have planets in the First House? 


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