I Think It’s Time We Talk About The Solar Eclipse – New Moon In Virgo

Next week is a big one — 

Mercury conjoins Venus in Virgo and then Venus enters Libra

Mercury goes retrograde (at 29 Virgo)

Thursday and the purpose of this blog post: 
Solar Eclipse – New Moon in Virgo at 9 degrees

Important to note this: 
Eclipse in Virgo/New Moon in Virgo and Mercury is retrograde in Virgo.

The new story (New Moon) is a continuing story (Mercury going retrograde LOOKS BACK) and it’s your job to know which story. To separate the wheat from the chaff, right Virgo?

New Moons are NOT the culminations. And yet…

Here’s an example to express my AND YET:

I just had a Full Moon Eclipse in my 6th (work, job, daily routine) which brought to me a situation of culmination (after all my hard work something happens) but it also brought to me a new assignment. And yet it’s part of a continuing story. See how it works?

So New Moons Eclipses do indeed usher in the NEW but… the seeds were there.
The seeds are there.

Your job is to find 9 Virgo in your chart – for the continuing story (of events unfolding in that house of your chart) and if you really feel metaphysically ambitious to do some visioning or journeying into your own future because there will be a BIRTH in your life.

Birth of what? And when? 


Over the next three to six months I’d say. That’s WHEN.
Some of you may know THE DAY OF. What this is about!
Or get a flash of insight a couple days before.
Maybe you know NOW.

I don’t know. About my own thing. I don’t know. But let me tell you, this Eclipse is ON ME.

So we’ll see.

This is not the happiest New Moon I’ve ever seen. Let’s be honest here.
Moon and Sun will make a harsh aspect to Saturn which says to me “I CAN’T I JUST CAN’T.
I can’t and I won’t. I’M AFRAID.”

See, the “new” of the New Moon Eclipse wants YOU but you, as I was JUST talking about in my video on Facebook, have doubts, have fears, have SATURN!!!!

What a combination, eh? Sun and Moon in anxious Virgo AND it’s an Eclipse (and Eclipses usually feel intense and foreboding and emotional) and it’s square Saturn. And it’s also in conflict with Mars AND Neptune. POOR VIRGO. Virgo just wants to do her freaking JOB. .

If there is a saving grace to be had here, it’s the trine to Pluto. The trine to Pluto Power. The trine to Pluto assures me that this thing you are pondering is OKAY. This option. This NEW of the New Moon Eclipse. It really is okay. More than okay. This whole new world is… yes it’s scary but… what are you going to do? Refuse? Say no?


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