Today was the day I discovered the true meaning of the NORTH NODE IN PISCES (all caps on purpose) which is also my North Node. We are having our Nodal Return. It’s time for us to finally understand the lessons and the techniques and whatever it is we need to know about the North Node in Pisces and it is OUR JOB to teach the children all about it. Let’s dig in. I have a few thoughts.
So I was reflecting upon last week at school and I wasn’t trying to understand the North Node in Pisces and I wasn’t trying to invoke the North Node in Pisces. I wasn’t, consciously, thinking about the North Node in Pisces at all. But I was writing notes to self and yes texting my analyst (it happens sometimes) and suddenly I realized THIS IS THE NORTH NODE IN PISCES and it was about a *kind* of self-sacrifice.
Was it a daydream? A fantasy? I thought to myself: maybe I just need to let them kill me. This is metaphorical of course. But the idea that I wouldn’t protest. That I would sacrifice myself. That I would lay down and die. That I would go all defenseless. That I wouldn’t DO ANYTHING to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to do which was ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.
Suddenly I saw it clear as day. That this is the weapon of North Node in Pisces. In a word: transcendence. That it no longer mattered what they did or didn’t do. I had transcended. Do what you like because it will go right through me. I’m already gone. I’m paper thin. Elsewhere.
I imagined myself then with tape over my mouth. Or wearing a mask. The idea was that I was saying nothing, nothing, nothing at all, nothing in response. And just keep taking the punches one after the other until the ultimate conclusion, until I was dead. But then I would get up and go home. Those punches would go right through me.
It’s a different kind of weapon than North Node in Aries who punches back. North Node in Pisces disappears. Dissolves.
I know this is dark stuff, sorry!!! I can’t tone it down for anyone. This is MoonPluto Astrology after all and I do not have time/energy/patience to be anything less than real. I have met some dark dark energies lately. I’ve looked murderous rage in the face. I’ve seen it, felt it, coming at me. And it’s not the first time. I know it when I feel it.
When things are SO crazy, the only answer, final answer, is to go spiritual, to transcend. Because there are no answers, no explanations. South Node in Virgo is always TRYING TO UNDERSTAND.
My analyst said that to me the other day: you’re trying to understand it. I didn’t realize I was doing that.
Eventually, we will get off the cross and once we get off the cross… there are riches waiting for us.
Am I making sense? Imagine this scenario. Someone is attacking you and instead of saying a single word or action in your defense that instead you go Pisces. And I don’t mean to dissociate. You’re still present. You’re not gone. You’re completely totally there, eyes open, but allowing the attack. Letting it pass right through you.
Is it easy? No. It’s a spiritual practice and it is the only thing that will give you spiritual mastery. Personally, I’m not interested in that level of spiritual mastery lol. It’s too hard for me but no one ever said the 33-life was easy.
North Node in Pisces is NOT about masochism. It’s not about being the best masochist you can be. It’s not about loving pain. But it is about shape shifting. You are shifting your shape to whatever is coming at you, including psychic attack. It is a kind of containing but it’s the containing that doesn’t hold on — to anything. It passes right through. Try it the next time some cunt asshole tries to fuck with your vibe. And let me know how it goes
To be continued xoxo
PS Everybody has a Mars. You need to live YOUR Mars according to sign and house and aspects, not necessarily in that order.