I woke up with a dream about getting stuck in an elevator and the odd thing was that I woke up in a good mood. When is an anxiety dream not an anxiety dream? We were rescued by dream’s end and I wasn’t stuck in the elevator alone. I’m still thinking about it.
Saturn opposite Moon. I am DONE with this transit. I emailed myself these notes, these phrases about this transit: Remembering who you are. Losing your balance. I forgot who I was.
Every long, hard transit has transformative potential. Every long, hard transit is a journey. Every long, hard transit is long and hard and if we make it out the other side intact then… it can be helpful to find the meaning in it. If we allow ourselves to be born/reborn. The death/rebirth trajectories are alive and well in the hard transits and now, yes, I am OVER HERE whereas before this transit I was OVER THERE.
I have more Saturn now. I have more bones. I have more boundaries. Saturn transits are always about growing up.
But what about the moon? Saturn opposed my MOON.
Home. That’s a moon word. “Home, where my love lies waiting silently for me.” And there are other moon-words and phrases. The moon in astrology is what we need to do to feel safe. I said to my Capricorn moon classmate that she NEEDED to work and she agreed.
Under Saturn Moon I forgot who I was. I was catapulted to another time and place: the past. Saturn in Pisces, opposing my Moon, was the Saturn Return of my mother’s death.
Hard transits need your attention. Saturn transits need your attention. The people who come to assault you are more symbols than not. I don’t mean physical assault in this example. I mean people giving you a hard time on an emotional level, psychic level. They seek to destroy you, yes, but they are merely actors, emissaries, symbols (of the transit) and your job is to listen to the message they are bringing.
There will also be an instruction. There’s always an instruction. Your job is to come out the other side. Yes, it is an initiation. Into what? Well, it depends on the transit and how old you are and what you want and what’s going on and every transit moves you across the game board of your life.
Okay, that’s all for now. I’ll be back.
Keep passing the open windows xo