So this is happening. I’m in the catalog. Click on this link to see!
Thoughts on the Saturn Chiron square NEXT WEEK:
Hard aspects as GRIDLOCK is on my mind as I look at next week’s sky, especially the Saturn Chiron square, gridlock in that part of your chart, the Sagittarius and Pisces houses.
CANNOT MOVE. Straightjacket energy YOU ARE STUCK (although I do predict a breakthrough under the Taurus Full Moon the following day).
Saturn is THE TEACHER, always with a lesson, always pushing us, making us grow BUT CHIRON DOES THIS TOO!
How do we learn when it’s a square. How do we not just… go to bed and stay in bed and hide? Squares are frustrating. Squares are painful. And a square between two powerhouse teachers like Saturn and Chiron…
how do we feel anything but defeated?
THIS IS THE JOB ASPECT. Job as in the Book of Job.
What is the SOLUTION to such a square??
define the lesson. What is happening in your Sagittarius House. What is happening in your Pisces House? They are LINKED. The issues you are going through are LINKED BY THIS SQUARE, by this tension and frustration. THEY ARE LINKED even though it doesn’t feel like it!!!
take action. Even if the action is sitting still and waiting for the right moment to reveal itself. Define the lesson. Define the teaching. Wait. Listen. Act.
Don’t give up. Saturn Chiron can crush you. Don’t be crushed. Saturn Chiron can beat you. Don’t be beat. I say this with confidence because I KNOW. I know bad transits end. I know Jupiter enters a happy place in your chart and you get kissed once more.
Now of course if you are mentally SICK (no bootstraps at all), if you are physically SICK, there is a limit to how much my transit talk can help you, if you are homeless, broke, abused, THERE IS A LIMIT, but if you are just an ordinary Joe or Jane in the middle of your perfect lonely life then this applies to you. And honestly it applies to those of us suffering deeply as well (just harder to access OUR PERSONAL POWER).
That Saturn Chiron has a gift for you even when it seems like all you have has burned to the ground.
Wait for it. Wait for the Full Moon news about your life in response to the Saturn Chiron square.
I get clients who ask me why life is so hard. Why don’t they have what they want (whatever it is). But it’s the WRONG QUESTION. Not a stupid question but the wrong question.
Don’t ask WHY. Instead, GET TO WORK (says Saturn).
And yes this means you must discover YOUR TRUE WORK (says Saturn).
I wish you much HEALING, my friendsĀ