That feeling that Jupiter is the cosmic Santa Claus. I remember learning in astrology class many years ago that “Jupiter expands what it touches,” and this was usually presented in a good light although my teacher was quick to say that “too much of a good thing” or “too much” was also Jupiter. In short, Jupiter isn’t always GOOD. Jupiter is Jupiter. Jupiter is a lot.
Now that Jupiter is Direct, astrology lovers worldwide are rejoicing. The gift giver, the cosmic Santa, the astro symbol of luck and benevolence is supposed to be sprinkling his dopeness far and wide. (I always remember that phrase “sprinkling your dopeness.” It was a Sagittarius who said it to me.) What to expect? Will all our dreams come true?
Well, it depends. Maybe.
In my Saturn book, I talk about the fact that if you aren’t participating in your life, then the planets/the transits have less to push against, nothing to influence, whatever the energy that wants to sprout in your life. If you aren’t writing a book, for example, you can’t publish it later on. If you aren’t in school, you can’t graduate.
So: what does participating in your life mean for you in 2025 with Jupiter direct in Gemini? What’s on your list? What’s on your mind? Anything? These are the early days of Jupiter direct. Maybe you don’t know yet.
While Jupiter was retrograde, I got into a bunch of stuff that I don’t know if I want to continue now. Sigh. I put more energy into my YouTube channel. I started interviewing really cool authors (and more to come) and posting some Tarot content with a side of astrology. But I’m also training to be a psychoanalyst, a profession that thrives on privacy. I consider the channel part of my legacy, that it will exist long after I’m gone. People die but YouTube is forever (or semi-forever).
Jupiter in Gemini is scattered. The square from Saturn is a buzzkill. Jupiter promises and doesn’t always deliver. I know, I know, I know.
About Jupiter in Gemini, Stephen Arroyo writes: There is an innate openness to the new and an endless curiosity. At worst, they are unfocused and have no discrimination about ideas or people. Yet, they remain constantly busy.
About Jupiter and Saturn together, Arroyo quotes Charles Carter: Jupiter rules horses and motor-cars; the former needs the rein; and to drive a car without breaks is an operation fraught with danger to driver and public alike.
Jupiter is light and Saturn is heavy. Jupiter is levity and Saturn is gravity. “While Jupiter represents the unfoldment of life, Saturn, if carried to an extreme, says Carter, can become the veritable enemy of life, by prematurely truncating possibilities for growth.”
What do you want to grow? Anything? Nothing?
With Jupiter in Gemini, we are expanding like usual but in many directions, and then Saturn comes over to tell us it’s all wrong.
What to do?
Slow down. That’s what I think to myself. Slow down the big plans. Slow down the big dreams. Slow down the big hopes. No matter how crushing it feels. Slow down. This doesn’t mean STOP. It doesn’t mean don’t do anything. It means, simply, slow down. In that way, you’ll be living with both Jupiter and Saturn. If you only try to grow grow grow and change change change you will not only doubt all your decisions but feel sad, desperately sad, and empty. And maybe you need to feel those things or notice that you feel those things.
The world is getting faster and faster. More people spend the hours scrolling than reading a book. We are becoming our phones. I know far too many women who look like TikTok filters. They are crafting their faces to look unreal. Even if Jupiter wasn’t in Gemini I would say slow down, close your eyes, stop this manic response to the sense of sight. Go within. Think Hermit Card not Fool card. Stop starting over.
Slowing down might make you feel dead. That’s the challenge here. There’s a reason folks still argue with Freud’s notion of the death drive. We can only keep getting up each day until we collapse.
The other day I had an interview (for another school) and my interviewer asked me what I thought my greatest accomplishment was (or maybe he made it plural; I can’t remember now) and I thought for a moment and said: getting up each day.
I know in my bones, in my cells, in my skin, that I will help people, and deeply, if I continue my training. I know I might get to be even a little of what my analyst is for me. It’s a long, circuitous path, at least at the school I’m currently at, fraught with hoops and loops, pitfalls and pratfalls. Sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I love it. (Is love too strong a word here?) Why I keep dunking in such terrifying waters is a mystery to me until I remember I have a First House Moon Pluto conjunction.
Jupiter in Gemini WILL have you trying new things.
Jupiter in Gemini IS NOT a commitment.
Jupiter in Gemini WILL have you changing your mind.
Jupiter in Gemini is NOT forever.
Jupiter in Gemini IS but one of many energies affecting, approaching your life right now.
Jupiter in Gemini IS NOT who you are.
Jupiter in Gemini IS what’s the menu right now.
I”m getting an image of you, eyes wide open, surveying the room, the land, the landscape, and you see mountains and crags and mountain goats (mountain goats? Yep!) and antelope and shooting stars and dancing Tarot cards and a little bonfire on a beach and I lean in to see who else is there, warming themselves by the fire and inhaling the sea-air but it’s just you under the big blue midnight infinite sky.
Okay, that’s all for now. To be continued.