Sun Opposite Pluto Aftermath: ON THE MEND + Venus in Virgo Submission

That was a serious rough patch, y’all. I had a mild concussion. All my clients and Tarot students were up in arms. Bad shit. I can’t remember the last time we had a week like this, collectively. Was it the Sun Pluto opposition alone? I’m not sure. Maybe we’ll never know. Are you feeling on the upswing though? I hope so. I’m back to writing and walking and wondering. Gordon Lightfoot in my headphones. Oh that Spotify hits the spot sometimes.

So this is just a quick check-in. New Moon this weekend + Venus into Virgo + Mercury goes retrograde and I have a feeling this retro will do us a world of good although I also know I say that NOW and things could change.

Who is this Venus in Virgo? Submissive. Let’s not pretend. We’ve known each other long enough and submissive is not an insult or critique. It’s a fact. Virgo is humble (despite their penchant for correcting self and others) and helpful. And yes Venus in Virgo can slip from her perch of submission into masochism (provoking punishment) so things are more complicated with this maiden than they seem at first. The best thing a Venus in Virgo (or any Venus) can do is self-analyze. Do you know what you want? Do you know how you try to get it? Is it working?

Venus in Virgo can be on their knees so much and so often that they get used to the view from down there. What to do? Realize that you don’t need to scrub so hard and all that painful perfectionism is… guarding against something, probably a feeling you don’t want to feel. Figure out what it is. Easier said than done, I know.

I’ve got Venus in Leo but she’s in my 12th House and my chart is low in fire. I really like to hide. But if I ever want to date again, meet someone, find a partner… Venus ain’t gonna find it in the 12th. Well, unless I go to 12th Houses places which incidentally are my favorite places (spiritual settings, visiting sick people, the liminal, train terminals).

But about this day: I’ve got my deck with me so let’s grab a card: King of Pentacles. I’ll take it. For you this could be a card of rest. For others it might be good money news. Or might it be your boss or parent or partner…

What I’m feeling is: don’t work too hard or at the very least be a King as you do what you need to do. I’m catching up on some editing and contemplating letting the laundry sit one more day.

Until next time, dear star lovers. Keep passing the open windows xo