I woke up at 3am with a SPLITTING HEADACHE, a stabbing pain. A friend of mine reminded me that Mars is currently on my Sun (and I have this aspect in my natal).
I was saying to her: SATURN IS OPPOSING MY MOON and blah blah blah Pluto blah blah blah.
But she’s right. Mars rules the head.
And I had spent the previous day for HOURS fighting with a form on my computer. It wasn’t until a good friend told me to try a different browser (Chrome) that things started to UN-GLITCH. Meanwhile, I was being told that I “wasn’t following instructions.”
Actually, dickface, I was following the instructions to the letter. But I had to change browsers. It’s like that sometimes.
Yes, it’s also a metaphor. What is a browser? Let’s ask Google: It’s how we access and view content on the internet.
So. It’s about seeing. It’s about opening. It’s about availability. It’s about information. It’s about STUFF. Access to stuff.
“It’s a program that lets you surf the web” and hell yes we need to surf the eclipse season waves.
I’ll say it again. Sometimes, friends, you have to change your browser.
I was in tears by the end of the day, exhausted. I was sitting in a less than optimum position at my desk, my neck and shoulders burning. Of course I woke up in the middle of the night with a pain in my head.
Why am I telling you this story?
Because you *MAY* have planets or points in the late degrees of Virgo and although Eclipses are indeed breakthrough energy you will have moments (days) when you feel like the house is on fire, when the pain in your head is turned up to infinity and you cannot think and yet you think to yourself: I just need someone to be nice to me today, right now.
Not the guy who tells me I’m doing it wrong.
Not the girl who wants to talk to me about all the aggression she has for me.
Not the person taking advantage (or trying to, and there have been a few!)
Saturn is in my 7th House (the house of OPEN ENEMIES) and opposing my Moon (my emotional safety). Saturn in the 7th will be great opposition but also great help from mentors. It’s both. The transits are always BOTH/AND.
I think about my good, decent, honest friends. How grateful I am for them. And for my clients who seek me out for the Moon Pluto treatment.
Here’s the thing though: eclipse time can be hard, especially when it’s a FULL MOON. Emotions in motion. Endings, beginnings, cravings, SCREAMINGS.
The other day in analysis I was very quiet and he was very quiet (too quiet for my taste) and I thought to myself: I have all these SCREAMS inside me. But I didn’t say it. And last night my head was screaming.
Things are changing, shifting. Buckle up. Do your work. Do your magic. Clean the house. Get things in order before the first eclipse on the 13th.
So I was able to fill out the form in the new browser and I think I was successful and I sent it along because I know March will be frenetic (my schedule is pretty full). I had to get it done NOW. So I did. Mars is direct in emotional/sensitive/care-giving/nurturing/protective/deep/creative/intuitive Cancer. The form got on my nerves but it felt good to write again, to reflect and write.
(How do I know my life is out of balance? When I’m not writing. What in the living fuck. How do you know when YOU are out of balance?)
You know how to find me if you want to book a reading. Despite March being busy, I’m sure I can make time for you. Otherwise, keep passing the open windows and take good care ESPECIALLY if you have planets or points in Virgo in the late-ish degrees.
Much love xo