This week is bananas so basically I’m here to tell you to be kind to yourself. That’s the entire message of this blog post.
Mercury is retrograde. The Solar Eclipse is a week from today. AND we have a cardinal t-square this week.
You KEEP trying to take control of the situation. YOU CANNOT CONTROL THE SITUATION IT IS OUT OF YOUR HANDS. But you can run so run.
I’m sitting here in the a/c, trying to cool off. I’ve BEEN sitting in the a/c trying to cool off. And let me tell you what else is on my mind.
Perfection and imperfection. How it never gets finished. It never gets done. We will die undone.
Mercury is retrograde in VIRGO. Virgo keeps fixing fixing fixing or trying to. Thinks it’s making things better when really it needs to just, sometimes, let it go.
The only thing I can think to do for you right now is draw a few cards. How to deal with Mercury. How to deal with eclipse energy. How to deal with the Venus Jupiter Pluto THING. Cardinal monster.
I was writing on Facebook that Venus Pluto IS NOT CLEAN. And y’all with Venus Pluto in your charts KNOW THIS (if you dare be honest) more than anyone and here comes Jupiter gassing it up, inflating it and I was saying that Venus Pluto is seduction but she doesn’t really care. Well, she cares about power more than love.
So what does this say about me? I’m not Venus Pluto but Moon Pluto. The house matters. I just made an astrology joke without realizing it. THE HOUSE MATTERS. Moon = house. The house makes all the difference in the world with this one. Is the Pluto party in the house of self or the other. Who are you trying to subdue? Over whom do you need power? Over WHAT?
Not sure we have the energy for such questions. Let’s just draw a few cards and I apologize I don’t have a photo of this spread for the moment so imagine it okay? Just imagine it.
Ten of Wands
Seven of Swords
Knight of Swords
Don’t just walk away fom the burdens, my friend. RUN.
If you want to get my free newsletter, please email me at moonpluto@gmail.com so I can put you on my email list AND the details about my Tarot & Creativity class, starting September 6th are here. Click on the link for the free trial and a pretty PDF to get you started!
And if you want to talk, I am here. I advertised this on Facebook that THIS WEEK I am doing FOUR discounted readings. One on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, one on Thursday, one on Friday. 60 minutes. Tarot and Transits $75.