The View from Virgo Season + Chiron in Aries (Retrograde)

I’m in the midst of doing laundry which is a very Virgo Season way of starting a post but I don’t want to talk about Virgo Season.

I want to talk about Chiron and the excruciating pain of Chiron and how clients keep finding me from my old Chiron posts and the fact that these are the last gasp days of Chiron in Aries although we have another year of it.

Next year’s astrology is out of this world. Start beautifying now. 

Everyone has a Chiron. Everyone has the most painful place in the chart. Chiron = we can heal others but not ourselves. Wounded Healer. But now that I’m two years into a psychoanalysis I started to wonder if I still think this is the case. Can we heal? Can we be healed? Healing isn’t the same as changing the past. You can’t not have slept with that guy who robbed you blind.

Here’s the thing. No placement is MORE healing than Chiron in Aries so now’s your chance. You have another year (2025) of it! Those of you in the know, those of you who have taken this transit seriously will seriously enjoy the fruits of your labors during Chiron in Taurus when BEAUTY will heal you and FEMININITY will heal you. Yes its true.

Chiron goes DIRECTS at the end of December. Make good use of this time. How are you healing? Are you working on your healing? Do you know what needs healing: IN YOU? Not in others but in YOU. Chiron is in ARIES (YOU). You have to FIGHT (Mars) for it.

KEEP IN MIND: Planets in Libra will OPPOSE Chiron in Aries. I know it can feel useless, hopeless. What’s that phrase? Putting lipstick on a pig? It’s reminding me of a scene from the great movie Enemies, A Love Story from the great novel by IB Singer. The Anjelica Houston character (who is a Holocaust survivor as all the characters are) says in the film (my memory fails me of the exact lines) how they powered her up, put makeup on her… but she was still the same. The trauma was the same. It hadn’t moved. Even though there she was, alive, with lipstick on and rouge…

My point is here comes Libra Season (soon enough) and you might feel it’s pointless useless hopeless to put on you ROUGE, but I recommend it. Whatever rouge means to you. Maybe it’s your favorite hat. It might not be makeup. Libra Season comes to decorate that Chiron. Put a garland on it. YOU HAVE TO. beautify the most ugly thing. For yourself. The thing you’re most ashamed of or hate the most. Start thinking about it NOW.

Okay, enough yelling for now. Keep passing the open windows, my friends xo