Finish-Line-Moon: Why This New Moon In Leo Is Really About Your Mars Transit

"new moon in leo" New Moon in Leo at 10 degrees this Tuesday. 

This has been a long time coming, a really long story.
Half a year. Long enough for me. A lifetime.
So much has happened since January 2016.

Even though Mars is still in its “shadow” on New Moon day, I hope you will feel a sense of… peace or relief that Mars leaves Scorpio.

And I’ve long said this is THE most important transit of 2016 (the first half anyway). Now you can truly move forward. Mars in Scorpio slithers. Mars in Sagittarius gallops. Time to MOVE. Move on.

Mars entered Scorpio in January.
Mars entered Sagittarius in March
Mars reentered Scorpio in May
Mars went direct in June
Mars enters Sagittarius August 2nd


Mars went retrograde at 8 Sagittarius and will clear that degree late August and there will be a Mars Saturn conjunction on August 24 at 9 degrees 

NINE DEGREES MATTERS especially if you’ve got a planet or a point there.
Also, the September 1st Eclipse is at 9 degrees Virgo. Oof.

So the Mars story is part of this New Moon story. You can finally finally finally finally finish up BE DONE with what this Mars transit was about for you, what this Mars Scorpio/Sagittarius was about for you. Seriously. DONE. New cycle time once it gets to NINE and conjoins Saturn and does whatever it needs to do in your chart.

And now you can find out what’s really going on. All those thwarted plans from this Mars transit will either die or be reborn. Remember that Mars co-rules Pluto. Die or be reborn, please. You’ve arrived. That’s how it feels to me.

So the order of business on the 2nd goes like this: 
Mars enters Sagittarius
Moon in Leo is trine Saturn
Sun conjunct Moon (the New Moon)
Moon inconjunt Neptune (fear)
Moon inconjunct Pluto (emotional)

Sun Moon trine Mars Saturn. Uranus in Aries is too high in degree but still supports by sign. And of course that there’s that Moon/Neptune/Pluto Yod but honestly I find this supportive as well in regards to your emotional health and your dreams about your future.

Do you have them? Dreams? About your future?

Mars Saturn is smart. Realistic. Sun Moon isn’t always. Can’t see the forest for the trees. Can make a wish but no clue how to make it happen. Mars Saturn makes it happen. So make a wish.


The Eclipse class starts late next week! Two weeks $65. Individual chart work. Message me for details! Also all weekend long I am doing one-card draws (sometimes two cards!) by donation for the New Moon in Leo for you