You Are Not The Evil: Pluto In The First House

Dear First House Pluto People,

It’s not that you are evil, it’s that you’ve known evil. You’ve witnessed it, heard it, felt it. You know it inside and out. It’s been done to you.

So. What to do with all that?

The first thing is to realize this: that you are not the evil. You can refuse this defense mechanism (identification with the aggressor). You can say no to it. Easier said than done? Maybe. But it’s a start.

This is on my mind this morning because I was chatting with an awesome school chum and I was trying to figure out why I like her. Yes, I’m an astrologer lol we do shit like that. “Why do I like you? GIMMEEEEE THE CHART!”

I thought to myself: does she have a Scorpio Venus? I already knew her Sun/Moon/Rising. What I wasn’t thinking about was her AGE. If I had been thinking about her age I would have realized OH YEAH Scorpio Rising = First House Pluto (Pluto in Scorpio generation). There we go. There’s the depth, which is unmatched by any other placement. What we’ve seen (too much). What we know (too much).

So I finished my sleuthing and thought to myself: let’s write a blog post. I haven’t written a Pluto post in a while and Pluto people always need to be written about 🙂 It’s so dark in there. The knowing is unparalleled. The gifts we wouldn’t wish on anyone.

I’ll say to you now, all ye Pluto People, what I might say to her, should the occasion arise: use your powers for good, by which I mean healing.

It’s a bonfire. That’s the image I’m getting in my head right now and I’m not sure if this is an image for this friend or for myself or for all the Pluto People (no matter the aspect) but I see that fire, steadily burning, not getting too big and not getting too small but always there, always burning. Makes you think of Vesta right? The fire that shouldn’t ever go out. That’s Pluto. Steady flame. Magnetizing. Intensity. The flame they want to put out.

I know what (some of) you are thinking: isn’t Pluto bad? Doesn’t Pluto destroy our hopes and goals and dreams? Isn’t Pluto all bad vibes? To which I say: just like with the Tarot, the meanings and interpretations of Pluto exist on a continuum. Yes Pluto is death but Pluto is also life. Death and rebirth. Transformation, transmutation. Becoming.

And this is the truth the Pluto People know, for better or worse: No one can convince us the death drive doesn’t exist BECAUSE WE ARE THE DEATH DRIVE. Makes me want to quote Sylvia Plath, the last lines of Ariel:

And I
Am the arrow,
The dew that flies
Suicidal, at one with the drive   
Into the red
Eye, the cauldron of morning

Dear Pluto People,
Your free will is all about what you do with that witchcraft. You have CHOICES. This is the point of all psychoanalsyis, really. That you have choices.

Okay. I’ll stop here for now. You know I’ll be back.

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